Hiroya Oku's sci-fi action manga "GANTZ" is being adapted into two live-action films planned to be released in 2011. The movies will star Arashi's Kazunari Ninomiya (26) and actor Kenichi Matsuyama (24).
Shinsuke Sato is directing the films, which have reportedly been given a budget of 4 billion yen, with lots of CG involved. It is said that producers are aiming to make the film suitable for general audiences, which means that it may likely lack the violence of the original manga I don't know how they're gonna do that.
Although Kei and Masaru are high school students in the manga, their characters will be older in the movie. Kei has been turned into a college student looking for work, while Masaru is already working and taking care of his younger brother. The two childhood friends happen to meet again on a subway platform.
Oku's manga is still being serialized, but the two movies will tell a complete story with an original ending.
Filming is scheduled to start next month. The first movie is expected to hit theaters in winter 2011, while the second is slated for spring 2011. I haven't read any of the manga but I did watch the anime and from that I'm not really a big fan of Gantz. Maybe the manga is better but the anime did not impress me. I will watch the movie but that will be to watch Kazunari act. Even though I don't want him to be Kei simply because I hate kei he annoys me.
Check out the first part of the anime
I'm not a fan of the show but I like the opening. You an watch the rest of the episode on youtube if your interested. Simply double click the player.
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