Check out Gdragons Heartbreaker from his first solo album.
Also more on the plagiarism conflict.
I have to say this is alot cooler then I thought it would be. When I first saw the concept photos, I was shocked like everyone else. Gdragon with blond hair and pale lipstick what?!? why?!? but he didn't disappoint me. I seriously want his headphones and shades.
Latest information on the plagiarism conflict:
The company in Korea that holds half of the copyrights to the song ‘Right Round’ with Warner has said, “If we look at the song as a whole, we do not think that ‘Heartbreaker’ plagiarized that of ‘Right Round’.”
The head of the company said, “We do not know if there is a part to the rap which sounds similar. The climax and highlight to the song are different. The melody to both of the songs are different.”
“With this reason, we cannot say that the song plagiarized that of ‘Heartbreaker’. There are so many cases of artistes getting inspiration from one another lately. If we are going to rule the song plagiarism just because it has some parts which feel the same, then many artistes and producers will fall into serious censorship.”
The person continued, “Whether the song has committed plagiarism the final decision lies in the original composer. Before they confirm that, we cannot rule the song as plagiarism.”
There are about 10 people in charge of the original composing and lyrics to ‘Right Round’. This includes the person who came up with idea of the rap, the person who wrote it, and the different people who composed the melody.
Will all of these people really agree to suing Gdragon, for the first 30 seconds of his song kind of sounding like "right around". I seriously doubt it, but the media loves a story. Gdragons rep has said “Like our initial stand, we said that everyone should listen to whole song and not just 30s before talking about plagiarism. This song is not plagiarism, we hope everyone gives support and love to the song.”
sources:kbites, naver, news.nate
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